A-Team Program

Imagine what you could build with A-Team of skilled roboticists. What would you want to learn? What would you help others learn?

About the Program

Stop wasting your time on starting from the beginning. Jump in with both feet. We can help you learn as you go, and think you should get building!

Joining A-Team opens up the scale and complexity of the projects you can work on

Our Teams work with expensive and highly advanced robotics technologies you would never have access to on your own.


● — — – topics – — — ●

Not your typical group project

  • Focus on what you want to learn, not what you are expected to know.
  • Bring your skills to the project to help others succeed.
  • It all doesn’t fall on a few shoulders, everyone’s contribution is directed to achieve the goal.
  • No ‘splaining allowed, get the next steps and direction, not lectures.
  • Mentors will guide you to find the answers, not do it for you.

Program Structure

The team projects are usually 3 month sessions. Pick the project that
encompasses the skills and session timing that works for you.

SCRUM Meeting

We modify this widely used industry standard project management approach for a flat leadership structure. Everyone gets experience running teams and setting the pace, guided by our advisors and mentors. These are the leadership and soft skills that every employer wants, yet you can only get by being on a team.

Work Sessions

Study Hall is when the team comes together to get work done. Remote members push code, CAD, and designs. In-Person teams assemble, test, and validate. Sometimes the opposite and everything in-between. Work outside this sessions is also expected and necessary. Mentors and guest-experts will be there to get you through the hurdles and accelerate your progress.


Documentation is a requirement of any team projects, plus we want you to show off your work! Tutorials are due each week give you a chance to demonstrate your newly acquired skills, make a record of your progress, and earn badging through our system. Badges are a demonstrable way to show you have verifiable mechatronics experience and skill. Tutorials, badges, and projects will be showcased on your public profile. Show what you know, what you’ve built, and what your potential is!

hybrid hands-on<

In-person, fully virtual, or a mix

Getting hands-on robotics experience has never been easier

The only pre-requisite for our team program is some experience in one skill area in the project. As your skills grow you’ll be able to apply to bigger more audacious projects.

Students can participate virtually or in person, or both. We recommend 20 hours per week commitment for this program to be effective, however you will get out of it what you put into it. Three group sessions a week are required, but can be attended asynchronously if necessary.

We are expanding the areas we offer micro-credentialing in. When you complete a team program you'll recieve a verifiable NFT that you can display on your resume, social media, or anywhere else to prove you have successfully completed a mechlabs program.


A-Team Program
  • Team programs currently run for 3 month-long sessions.
  • Apply to one or more of the projects and you’ll be placed based on what skills you have, what you want to learn, and keeping a balance of virtual to in-person ratios.


Example team project sessions


Search and Rescue

Boston Dynamics Spot Robot


Humanoid Robot



Robot Obstacle Course

Build a custom robot to navigate a series of challenges


Build a Quadruped Dog Robot

Nights and Weekends - everyone builds their own!

● — — – Student Profile – — — ●

Meet Nahuel V, from Argentina